Publications by Dirk A Buiskool
- Tours through historic Medan and its surroundings (travelguide) with Tjeerd Koudenburg, Medan, 1994. (Reprints 1997, 1999, 2003, 2008, 2011, 2015)
- De reis van Harm Kamerlingh Onnes, Brieven uit de Oost 1922-1923. (The voyage of Harm Kamerlingh Onnes, letters from the East 1922-1923), Verloren, Hilversum, the Netherlands, 1999. This book received the Linschoten Award 1999 for a publication in the field of travelhistory.
- Prominent Chinese During the Rise of a Colonial City Medan 1890-1942. University of Utrecht 2019. (Doctoral thesis)
Co-author books
- Medan, beeld van een stad (Medan, impression of a city), Asia Major, Nederland, 1997
- The Dutch Encounter with Asia, 1600-1950 Rijksmuseum Amsterdam,
- Kota Lama, Kota baru. Sejarah Kota-Kota di Indonesia sebelum dan setelah kemerdekaan. (Old city, new city: The history of the Indonesian City Before and After Independence) Yogyakarta: Penerbit Ombak, 2005.
Papers and articles
- “De gebroeders Tjong, zakentalent, politiek en filantropie in koloniaal Medan“. (The Tjong brothers, business talent, politics and philantrophy in colonial Medan) in: Spieghel Historiael, Meppel, The Netherlands, 1994.
- “The Chinese commercial elite of Medan, 1890-1942.” Paper presented for the seminar Shared Histories Conference, organised by the Penang Heritage Trust, 30 July – 3d August 2003, Penang.
- “The Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Medan 1910-1960.”/ Paper presented for the seminar Dekolonisasi dan Posisi Etnis Tionghoa di Indonesia, organized by Andalas University in cooperation with the Nederlands Instituut voor Oorlogsdocumentatie (Dutch Institute for War Documentation), Padang, 18-21 juni 2006.
- “Perceptions on Indonesian late colonial history focus on Medan.” Paper presented for the seminar “Sejarah Indonesia yang Kontroversial: Solusi dan Strategi Pengajarannya SMA” Universitas Negeri Medan (Unimed). Medan, 8 September 2007.
- “Persons who made a positive contribution to East Sumatra, 1860-1942” Paper presented at the seminar : “Para Tokoh, Pejuang dan Pahlawan Sumatera Utara”. (About community leaders, freedomfighters and heroes in North Sumatra) at the centre for historical and social studies Negeri Universitas Medan (Unimed). Medan, 10 November 2007.
- “Local Politics in Medan, 1890-1942.” Paper presented at the Encompass (Encountering of a common past in Asia) conference, 6-8 January 2009, Medan. Conference organised by Leiden University the Netherlands, in cooperation with the Universitas Negeri Medan (Unimed), restaurant Omlandia and the Universitas Sumatera Utara (University of North Sumatra).
- “The Chinese Commercial Elite of Medan, 1890-1942: The Penang Connection”, in: Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Volume 82 Part 2 No. 297 December 2009.
- “Twenty Years of Return Tourism on Sumatra and Java”. Paper presented at the conference ‘Travelling Heritages. Return-tourism of WW II-veterans, survivors and relatives to and from Indonesia and Japan’ at the Dutch Institute for War Documentation at 20 and 21 Octobre 2011 in Amsterdam.
Popular articles
- Jalan Hakka number 2 in Archipel Magazine, spring 2006
- Medan, de plantersstad (Medan, the plantation city) In Archipel Magazine, autumn 2007
- Spookhuis in Medan, (Ghosthouse in Medan) Archipel Magazine, spring 2008
- Talang Benoa, Archipel Magazine, summer 2008
- Het Huis van Lim Hong Lap, (The house of Lim Hong Lap) Archipel Magazine, winter 2008
- De Multatuli van Deli. (The Multatuli of Deli) Archipel Magazine, spring 2010
- Jubileum Tjong A Fie (Jubilee Tjong A Fie) in: East! Magazine, autumn 2011
- Tan Boen Djin in: East/Down Under Magazine, winter 2015
- De Grand Lady of Music uit Medan. In Azie Down Under Magazine autumn 2016.
- Fountain Icecream in Azie Magazine summer 2018
- Lim Family in Azie Magazine summer 2018